About Floraly Komba
The Floraly Komba,
a story of 25 years ...
Built in May 1993, the legend says that the name of the hotel "Les Floralies" was found at random pages of a dictionary.
The establishment only has 3 bungalows made of local materials.
Enlarged over the years, the structure which now includes 3 bedrooms, a bar and a restaurant catches fire and burns completely in 1998.
A long and arduous project begins then to rebuild it.
After several months, like a phoenix, the hotel finally reborn from the ashes.
First 3 bungalows, then 5 which bungalows on floor and finally the bungalow "8" which will later become the bungalow "Chameleon".
Sold by the original creator to various unkempt owners, the hotel suffers the pangs of weather, rain and sea winds and is slowly deteriorating.
In January 2013, the hotel looks bad but still seduces its new buyer.
Then begins a new page of its history ...
Arrived in 2013, Xavier (the current manager) is only 22 years old and had never left Europe.
Its mission: to rehabilitate "Les Floralies" and ensure the smooth running of the hotel.
So, in successive waves, the hotel has a new look. First of all refresh, little by little the new bungalows replace the old ones and the problems of water and electricity are regulated with the contribution of photovoltaic panels.
Today renamed "Floraly Komba", the hotel offers 2 bungalows and 6 comfortable rooms, a tropical garden and a bar / restaurant area feet in the water.
Beyond construction, the "Floraly Komba" is also a team and a unique atmosphere.
14 people in total, all having access to a contract of employment, a living wage, accommodation, meals, a pension contribution and health insurance.
They are 14 people who are happy to work and who share their joy in everyday life: what better for your holiday!
But enough about us, come visit us and judge for yourself!